
Grades K-1: "The Roaring Rhinoceros and Friends "Hear the story of and find out her silly secret. Frolic and dance with the Baby Mammoth. Sing to the whales. Find out what has googly eyes, and much, much more! The program uses songs, stories, and puppets.

Grades 2-3: "Let the Waves Roll High!": Sail aboard a Tall Ship in song and story; today and yesterday. Hoist the anchor, set the sail, swab the deck, weather a storm, plot a course, learn the customs, and speak the language as part of a ship’s able bodied crew. Find out how to become a member of a crew on a traditionally rigged vessel that sails today!;

Grades 4-5: "Down Below the Waves" Discover what it takes to be an underwater detective on the coast and inland waterways of Florida. Learn about traditional sailing, historic ships, and the tools it takes to be an underwater archeologist through song and story. Dive below the waves; describe the artifacts; do the math; understand the science – solve the mystery! Private.